Privacy Policy

The Terms and Conditions for the Website, applies to the relationship between ONE, Exploração de Bar e Restaurante Unip lda, VAT ID PT509413900, based in Mosto Wine Shop e Bar, Rua dos Celeiros, Lote 4 2B, 8600-726 Lagos (Portugal), to be known as Mosto Wine Shop and the user.

This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions that apply to the use of the Website by the end user. Access or use is subject to the prior acceptance of the “Terms and Conditions of Use” described hereafter.

Any use of the Website by the end­user as of this publication shall be construed as an acceptance of the changes. We suggest users to periodically check the Terms of Conditions and Privacy Policy so as to always be informed of any changes that may occur.

Security and Privacy Policy

Acceptance of Terms

The following are the terms of a contract between the user and Mosto Wine Shop. By accessing and using this Website the user admits having read and understood these terms and complies with all applicable laws and regulations. If You do not agree to these terms, please do not use this Website. The material presented on this Website is protected by law.

Privacy and Security

Our company is committed to the privacy and safety of any and all personal customer data.
All information provided is used by us to provide the best service possible for your needs.

Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights

All contents on this site are exclusive property of Mosto Wine Shop: text, images, or other information that does not originate from third parties. Thus they are protected by the “Código do Direito de Autor” (Copyright laws).
Mosto Wine Shop reserves the right at any time to amend these contents, having no obligation to make any prior notification to its users.


For certain services, cookies (text file stored on your computer in order to customize visits) can be used to count the number of visits to the site without identifying you personally.
These types of cookies do not store or collect any personal user information, and their installation can always be controlled via the user’s web browser.
Personal information voluntarily provided by the user to fill out the existing forms on this website are for Mosto Wine Shop’s exclusive use and / or advertisers to whom the information is addressed.

Mosto Wine Shop will not disclose user information to third parties without prior consent.

The underlying and implied criteria of this website, meet the stipulated requirements, among others, of the following legislation:

  • Lei no 46/2012 de 29 de Agosto – regula a proteção de dados pessoais no sector das comunicações electrónicas (regulates the protection of personal data in the electronic communications sector);
  • Artigo 35º da Constituição da República Portuguesa – utilização da informação (use of information);
  • Lei 67/98 – Lei da proteção de dados pessoais (Personal Data Protection Law).

Applicable law / Jurisdiction

The conditions of this contract shall be subject to Portuguese law.
The parties elect the jurisdiction of the Faro District Court for all matters arising under this
Agreement that can not be resolved by mutual agreement between the parties.


Customer support: Any question may be presented by the means below and will be answered within 2 business days:
Email: hello@mostowine-shop
Letter: Mosto Wine Shop, Rua dos Celeiros, Lote 4 2B, 8600-726 Lagos, Algarve – Portugal